Grace Latriena (Billman) Stallings
June 12, 1912 - October 23, 2001
"My father, Frank R. Billman [November 4, 1885–November 22, 1953], who had worked in oil fields before he married Ollie B. Fisher [February 19, 1889–November 21, 1965] on May 29, 1907." (Below with grandson Bob standing in front.)
"Moved to Lewisville, Ohio, where Grace LaTriena Billman was born on June 12, 1912.
"I went to Lewisville School, which housed all grades. They built on two large rooms school house in 1928 and a new Brick School (below) dedicated October 1930.
"Before they built the brick school house, the boys didn't have any place to play basketball. There was a Tobacco Packing House (like a big barn) so they played in that. Had no seats and used gas stoves to heat the place.
"The school, we would have a 'Social' on special dates. The girls would bring a box of eats and at the end of social time, my cousin, John Billman (and my aunt Golda Straight) both said the boys would 'bid' for the boxes, then eat with the girls.
"I wasn't very tall, girls never wore jeans, slacks or shorts in those times. Never had 'slumber' parties and I don't remember staying all night with my girls friends. Had long hair until 1924.
"I liked 'playing house' with my dolls. A neighbor lady, Tillie Winland, and I liked to go sleigh riding in winter, on a small bank near my grandparents Grant and Mary Fisher.
"Back in those days, there wasn't much Trick or Treat on Halloween. I never went on one. The big thing was the boys would upset [outdoor] toilets. My Dad had ours fixed so they couldn't upset it, but the boys could have 'upset' him.
"In the fall, there was a farmer that lived near our home, that made molasses from sorghum that he had raised, which looked like a 'cane' like grass or broom corn. Had a machine that had wheels and had to be pulled by a horse, round and round, to get juice from cane, for molasses. The juice would go into a big oblong steel pan that was over fire. It would cook until syrup stage.
"We kids that lived near, would hurry home from school to see if a pan was empty, if it was, we were allowed to lick the pan with our fingers.
"At Thanksgiving time my Grandparents, Mary and Grant Fisher, had that day to butcher the hog or hogs as Uncle Fred Fisher and my Dad had the day off from Bank and store. Another man out in the country would come to help. My Dad always shot the hogs. After cut up, etc., my Dad would grind the meat to make sausages.
"Then, after everything was done, Dad had to clean the gun and I got to shot [sic] it. Only time I ever did that.
"In the summer for something to do, my folks along with two other families, Banders and Winlands, would go on picnics after church on Sunday.
"Some summer's [sic], my folks along with Uncle Fred and Aunt Rosa Fisher, would go spend the day with Sidney and Clara Whitmire and family. Clara was a sister of Grandma Fisher. Whitmire's lived in Chandlersville, Ohio. We kids would ride the farm animals for some fun.
"Attended Methodist Protestant Church. Once a year, they had revival service's [sic] for a week. Had an extra minister to come to help with sermon's [sic]. After sermon, they would call those who wanted to know Jesus Christ better and confess their sins, to come forth to the altar. (Like Billy Graham, 1994). Some girls and I went to the altar. I remember my father coming up to me after a while and prayed with me.
"At one class meeting, early in 1930, I attended was at a home that the girls had scarlatina several weeks before. I was called to the telephone, which was my mother, saying I had company. In so many days, I had a bad case of scarlet fever. The doctor quarantine, placing the sign on the house by the door, to keep people from coming in to get the disease. My mother wouldn't tell my Dad how bad I was. He had to stay out, so he could be at the store. One day he got a ladder, got on the porch roof, looked in and saw how sick I was. Went back to the store, told the clerks they could do whatever had to be done, as he was coming in. After I got over the disease, my mother washed my Dad's hair with lye soap. She burned the carpet, curtains, and whatever she could burn. Spraid [sic] with disinfection [sic], closed bedroom door for several days, later opened window's [sic] and left it [sic] way for a long time, with door closed.
"A lady, Mrs. John Egger, organized a group of girls . . . in summer would have a picnic, I took piano and clarinet lessons from her.
"I didn't finish high school but went to work in my father's store (below with F. R. Billman standing in front). So many funny things happened. One lady brought some 'homemade' butter to sell along with some eggs. This butter was so round and smooth, my father said it looked suspicious, so [he] took it back to the other room, cut it in half and found is was mashed potatoes, covered with the butter. He put it back together, smooth[ed] the butter and told the lady he couldn’t take it.
"An elderly lady who lived a few houses from the store, her panties came off coming to the store. Came in asked [the] clerk, Clayton English, for a paper bag. She put the panties into [the] bag and next day brought the paper bag back.
"Clayton English dared me to eat some raw oyster, which I did, but no more of that.
"We had a glass showcase that held candy in glass dishes (think your mother and your aunt Carole Stallings) each have one. People would tell you what kind and how much they wanted.
"At Christmas time Dad would order a 'big' oak barrel of what they called it then, 'hard tack' candy. He wouldn't open that [sic] one he just received but the one he got the year before, said it would 'ripen' by not opening it for that long.
"We had a rack for 'big' boxes or cartons of cookies, put glass top on the, the customer would tell you how much and what kind they wanted.
"Oh yes, in those days, you sold 25# flour and 25# sugar which had to be stored in basement. Just had 5 lbs on shelves upstairs. In those days, as a clerk, you were back of the counter and the customer would tell you what they [sic] wanted. Clerk would take it off the shelves. They would pay for the groceries, etc., with what they brought in, like eggs, chicken, etc. Two weeks before Thanksgiving and Christmas was the time the farmers to bring [sic] in turkey's [sic]. There would be a truck from wholesale companies in Pittsburgh, Pa., to take them. We also took chicken's [sic] anytime, not too many, so town people would buy one now and then.
"Esther Miracle, Lillian Lubuagh, Mary Latta, Frank and Grace went to the Chicago World's Fair 1934.
"My father would go to Baltimore, MD, spring and fall, to a wholesale house to buy things for the store. Mr. Bowersock, a clerk at the wholesale house, helped my father in buying and entertaining him. One late summer my mother and I went with him that was in 1929.
"I taught a young girls' Sunday School class for a short time and was one of the several that played piano for Sunday School and Church. My father was Supt. of Sunday School for over 36 years and Mother was a teacher for small boys and girls for over 20 years.
"In June 1939, I was appointed delegate to Conference. That was when the Methodist Episcopal and Methodist Protestant Churches, joined to one Methodist Protestant. Mother and I went to Salina, Ohio, June 1939. Then to North-East Ohio Conference in Lakeside, Ohio in two weeks. They still hold Conferences in Lakeside.
"I was married on September 23, 1939 (to C. [Charles} Frank Stallings, left, in 1980), then my father was made delegate, his last conference was June 1952, as he passed away on November 22, 1953. He was sent to Methodist Protestant Convention in Washington, D.C. May 12–15, 1931. He was delegate from North East Conference in San Francisco, Calif., April 22–May 6, 1952, didn't get to attend because of heart. Did get to North Central Jurisdictional Conference in Milwaukee, Wisc., July 1952 as delegate from North East Conference. Mother got to go with him. He was Secy. and Treas. of Cambridge District of North East Ohio Conference.
"My father had worked for Charles Oblinger from 1907, then had half interest after 1918 and bought the store after Mr. Oblinger died Dec. 10, 1920. He sold store to Geo. Radon because of health who took over June 1, 1953. The store burned down on Sept. 7, 1956, which was suspicious. The store front came from Germany.
"Frank Reynolds and Ollie Belle Billman are buried in Friendship Burial Cemetery, Lewisville, OH, up a small hill from where they went to housekeeping, on State Route 145, which goes to Stafford, OH."
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